Tuesday, May 27, 2008 

"How" Power Sales Tip

I got an Kentucky Cash Advance And Payday Loans from Art Sobczak's Telephone Va Loan Home Equity And Selling Report.

In one of Roast Retirement Humor Jokes articles he talked about sales questions. What made his article especially interesting and powerful was that each question began with "How."

In addition to Art's questions I've added a few of my own:

>>> How do you define quality?

>>> How are you budgeting for National Land Trust project?

>>> How are you planning to make the decision for Top Debt Consolidation Loans Virginia Beach . . ?

>>> How have you evaluated these products in the past?

>>> How have you evaluated suppliers in the past?

>>> How have you quantified the cost of the problem you're trying to solve?

>>> How can we help you improve this?

>>> How Google Adsense Click Ring does this happen?

>>> How are you doing it now?

>>> How often does your current supplier do business reviews?

>>> How can we make this work for you?

>>> How can we make this happen?

>>> How can we speed up the process?

>>> How am I doing?

Use these questions to get your prospects and customers talking. The more they talk - the more you'll learn about them. And of course the more you know about your prospects and customers the easier it will be to solve their problems.

There's one more "How" question I suggest using on a daily basis.

It is an introspective question which promotes continuous self-improvement. When you ask this question on a daily basis you will experience dramatic growth and prosperity.

It takes courage to ask this question because it assumes there is still room for improvement. If you have a big ego you may not be comfortable asking this question.

The perfect time of day to ask this question is at the end of the day - after your last sales call.

And when you ask this question be sure to consider the following:

>>> Making appointments

>>> Establishing goals

>>> Managing your time

>>> Communicating effectively

>>> Identifying opportunities

>>> Qualifying opportunities

>>> Adjusting selling styles to buying styles

>>> Presenting solutions

>>> Overcoming objections

>>> Asking for the business

>>> Measuring what matters most

>>> Having an Bad Credit Equity Home Loan No of gratitude

Imagine spending a few minutes every day Canada Make Money At Home of ways to improve. Also try to imagine the impact continuous improvement will have on your sales and your personal income.

You can trigger your self-improvement program by asking one simple yet The Private Bank And Trust Company question.

The question is "How can I do it better?" These six words are the catalyst for continuous self-improvement.

Every time you ask the question, "How can I do it better" you automatically raise the bar on your level professionalism.

The reward asking this question is continuous improvement.

Why say something when you can ask something?

When you ask these questions, be prepared to listen and take notes.

I'm convinced the less you say the smarter you'll sound.

Say less and you'll sell more!

That has a nice ring to it!

Oh, and one more thing. You can add another 12 questions, plus an additional 24 selling skills to your selling repertoire, when you order my book, "The 12 Best Questions To Ask Customers."

Order the paperback version here:


Jim Meisenheimer


Diversification Do's and Dont's

When you think of diversification, do you think it means purchasing stocks Del Mar Home Equity Loan more than one company? Or do you think it means something completely different? For those new How To Earn Extra Money Online saving, diversification could very well mean "more than one company" but the stock market crash of the 1920's should tell us otherwise.

Placing all your Information Adsense Google Marketing Adwords in the stock market isn't the best decision for your financial future Government Site For Grants And Loans here's why: Let's assume you placed all your Home Equity Loan In Maryland in the stock market three years ago-in four College Access Loans Iv to be exact. This morning three of those four companies filed for bankruptcy. Where is your money now? Gone. For you, it might as well have been another stock market crash, as you have just lost the bulk of your savings.

Playing the stock market is scary enough without having to worry about losing everything you have invested. That is why diversification is so important. Diversification means you place your money in many different mediums, not all in the same one. Diversification is a way to lower the risk involved in investing your hard-earned money and although there is no guarantee when investing money in any medium, diversification is the closest thing to that guarantee.

There are many places you can Grant County your money to make a profit. There are real estate adventures, new company start-ups, lending institutions, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, certificates of transfer, index funds, and so on. The question is which ones do you feel most comfortable investing in and what are the risks involved?

A good investment plan involves investing money in both the high risk and low risk options. The high risk stock options will earn more money at a faster rate of return while the low risk mutual funds will allow some security as it slowly-but consistently-brings in money. Therefore, a good investment plan consists of spreading your money around.

And to help you get started in the right directions, here are a few simple tips on diversication:


1. Divide your money between many different avenues.

2. Earn Money Online Easy Credit your money in both low risk and high risk options.

3. Use a Forex Chat Forums amount of money each month for savings.

4. Place money in your 401(k) first.

5. Place money in an annuity as a last resort.


1. Place all your money in one place.

2. Concentrate on high risk options alone.

3. Place your money in anything that will cause you to spend every waking moment worrying about your money.

4. Use life insurance policies as an investment plan.

Alyice Edrich is the award 125 Ltv Home Equity Loan editor of The Dabbling Mum. Stop by for your chance to win free videos and books (http://thedabblingmum.com) or to download three free e-books (http://thedabblingmumpress.com).